Preliminary Program

Rydges Newcastle
Monday 23 September 2024 – TSF Operation and Surveillance Training
8:30 9:30 Acknowledgement to Country / Introduction to Tailings Wes Herweynen
9:30 10:30 Tailings dam failures and consequences Wes Herweynen
10:30 11:00 Morning Refreshments
11:00 11:30 Tailings dam safety requirements and guidelines Wes Herweynen
11:30 12:00 Tailings dam design and features Wes Herweynen
12:00 13:00 Lunch
13:00 14:00 Tailings dam operation and surveillance Wes Herweynen
14:00 15:00 Inspections Wes Herweynen
15:00 17:30 Site Tour inspections Wes Herweynen
17:30 Training concludes Wes Herweynen
Rydges Newcastle
Tuesday 24 September 2024 – ANCOLD Tailings Forum
8:30 8:45 Acknowledgement to Country / Welcome to Tailing 2024 Amanda Kerr
8.45 9.00 ANCOLD Executive Welcome Sam BanzI
Banzi Consulting Services
9.00 9:45 Keynote Presentation
T(ai)lings: Mining Value from Hype in a Sea of Noise
Matthew Wysel
Made with Data
9.45 10.15 Discussion / Activity
Risk Management for Tailings dams in an evolving world
Matthew Wysel
Made with Data
10.20 10.50 Morning Refreshments
11:00 Evolving technology in tailings dam management and monitoring Chair: Xavier Hill
Inspector of Mines – Mining Engineering
11:05 11:25 Integrated Solution for monitoring and inspection of Tailing Dams: Key Features to enhance the safety and maintenance Pierre-Yves Souesme
11:25 11:45 Evolving Technology in Tailings Dam Characterisation – Resistivity-Seismic-CPTu for Understanding your Saturation Profile Tierney Boulter
11:45 12:05 Integrated observational and monitoring approach to improve TSF resilience Dr Gideon Steyl
South 32
12:05 12:15 Q & A – Evolving technology in tailings dam management and monitoring Xavier Hill
Inspector of Mines – Mining Engineering
12:15 13:15 Lunch
13:30 Regulator update, and circular economy opportunities and challenges Chair: Sam Banzi
Banzi Consulting Services
13:30 13:50 Upcoming NSW Resources Regulator TSF Assessment Program Xavier Hill
Inspector of Mines – Mining Engineering
13:50 14:10 Framework for Enhanced Risk Management in Tailings Re-Mining Operations: A Case Study from Northern Australia Nicolas Pereira
Red Earth Engineering
14:10 14:30 How to make good, better? The case for mine tailings-based geopolymer for use in flexible concrete matting for erosion control of tailings dams – from a circular economy perspective Ben Cosson
14:30 14:45 Q & A – Regulator update, and circular economy opportunities and challenges Sam Banzi
Banzi Consulting Services
14:45 15:30 Keynote Speaker
Coal ash disposal facilities: US experience in closing, repurposing, and reclaiming
Ben Gallagher
15:30 16:00 Afternoon Refreshments
16:00 Challenges in closure, final landform and future management or repurposing Chair: Omar Bezri
16:00 16:20 Emergency Preparedness and Response after mine closure Olle Wennstrom
GHD Pty Ltd
16:20 16:40 Tailings and safe closure: perspectives, challenges and global examples Josh Frew
KCB Australia
16:40 17:00 A Ground Improvement Approach to the Management of Tailings, its Rapid Consolidation, Dam Stability and Seepage Control Jonathan Hale
Freyssinet-Menard Oceania
17:00 17:15 Q & A – Challenges in closure, final landform and future management or repurposing Omar Bezri
17:15 17:30 Site Tour Presentation Gerard Duff, Origin Energy
Omar Bezri, AGL
17:30 17:40 Wrap Up / Forum Close Amanda Kerr
18.30 22.30 Forum Dinner – Batholomews Bk
Wednesday 25 September 2024
7:45 8:00 SITE TOUR BArrive in the foyer to transfer to your Site Tour B Port Stephens Coaches
8:00 10:00 Depart for Liddell Power Station Port Stephens Coaches
10:00 14:15 Site Tour including lunch Liddell Power Station – AGL
14:15 16:30 Depart site tour transfer to Rydges Port Stephens Coaches
8:15 8:30 SITE TOUR AArrive in the foyer to transfer to your Site Tour A Port Stephens Coaches
8:30 10:00 Depart for Eraring Power Station Port Stephens Coaches
10:00 14:15 Site Tour including lunch Eraring Power Station – Origin Energy
14:30 15:30 Depart site tour transfer to Rydges Port Stephens Coaches