This course has been developed to assist tailings dam owners to reduce the risks of dam failure by improving the knowledge and skills of tailings dam operators. The course is aimed at site managers and operators and is structured to meet the requirements of Australian National Certificate III Water Training Package unit ‘NWPCAD011 Inspect and Report on Embankment Dam Safety’ and Minerals Processing Training Package ‘RIIWBP203D Monitor tailings dam environment”, with attendees receiving these qualifications if assessed as reaching a suitable standard.
The first phase of the course comprises an day of lecture room learning followed by a practical simulated dam safety inspection field trip. The class room learning will review:
- Fundamentals of dam structures
- Historic TSF failures and lessons learned
- Failure modes of tailings dams and visual indicators
- Fundamentals of a Dam Safety Management System
- Standards and Guidelines available to TSF operators
- Guidance on establishing operating documentation – OMS Manual and EPRP
- Basics of dam Instrumentation
- Overview of surveillance practice
The lecture room learning will be facilitated by qualified trainer David Brett, but will include engagement activities and an assessment questionnaire involving other trainers. The format of this phase will depend on the number of learners and will be facilitated in groups led by other experienced GHD/WTA personnel assigned to each group. In this way we will encourage involvement of learners in asking and answering questions.
The site visit will be to a relevant dam in the local area. Trainees would be formed into groups of 20 max under the direction of GHD/WTA staff. The fieldwork would require planning of a stop at appropriate locations to allow discussion and simulation of surveillance inspection of :
- Dam crest
- Dam toe
- Beach and decant pond and pumping/draw-off equipment
- Piezometers and other instrumentation sites
- Seepage areas and measurement
Attendance at the forum will count to the training outcome as will the site tour on Friday, with a debriefing of trainees after the inspection to review dam safety related issues/questions.
GHD/WTA supports ANCOLD in promoting safe operation of all dams and particularly in focusing on tailings dams and our involvement in this training is aimed at minimizing cost. The charge per person (inc. GST) is a significant discount to the normal fee due to the expected number of learners compared to the normal training format used with individual sites.
(Please note you need to fully register to attend the training, this is not included in the full registration cost)
(Please note that you need to attend both Wednesday and Friday as part of the Cert 3 certification process)